50 Fabulous Feats @ 50

imageNext month marks the beginning of my half century year.  While some women avoid admitting to such milestone in age, I have decided to embrace my 50th year and enjoy it wholeheartedly. So, I am embarking on a yearlong adventure I am calling 50 Fabulous Feats @ 50 in which I will prove that you can teach a middle-aged dog new tricks by engaging in a series of “firsts” for me.

Each week I will pick a person, place, or thing that is new to me and expand my world just a little by meeting, visiting, or doing something that I’ve never done before.  Each week I plan to blog about my experiences, thoughts, and learnings. Before you get too excited, however, you need to understand a couple of things about me. I have spent much of my life as a scaredy cat: I live with anxiety, am frightened of heights, and have lived a rather safe, risk-averse life. As a result, some of my firsts may be laughable to “normal” folks. I have never ridden on a motorcycle, gone horseback riding, or eaten escargot. I also want to explore both my inner and outer world so one week I may go up in a hot air ballon, while the next I could go on a spiritual retreat. Finally, I want to give back to the world that has given me so much love, support, and beauty; I plan to engage in activities with meaning and purpose to express my gratitude for all the prosperity in my life through such things as donating blood, planting trees, and working for charitable causes. While these “feats” may seem mundane to some, they will be “fabulous” to me.

I hope you will join me on my journey vicariously and, perhaps in some cases, in person if you think you might like to participate in a feat that resonates with you, too. I will post my ideas for activities shortly, and I would love to receive any ideas you might have to add to the list. I’m excited about my year of firsts and can’t wait to hit the big 5-0 to start!

2 thoughts on “50 Fabulous Feats @ 50

  1. Lynn Viger says:

    Wow Susan what a FABULOUS idea! Wish I had thought of this when I turned 50!

    I will say though that back in 1994 I did make a promise to myself of a similar nature. I decided I was going to become a NEW and IMPROVED person and every year was going to go somewhere I had never been, try something I had never tried, learn something new, etc.,

    I can honestly say I have kept my promise and have done at least one thing every year, most years 4 or 5!

    After reading your blog, you have inspired me to do even more! Please include me in on some of your adventures….I would love to join you….except if it involves a roller coaster or jumping out of a plane at 3,000 feet….I do have my limitations! LOL

    On my fridge is a sign I read EVERY SINGLE DAY that says:

    “Our greatest accomplishments are ALWAYS the victories we win over ourselves”

    I truly believe that!

    You GO girl! I will be watching your blog for updates and cheering you on.

    Lynn Viger

    Liked by 1 person

    • roxymae1965 says:

      Hi Lynn: I am hoping that as I post some of my adventures in advance that there might be some people who want to join in on the fun. And, no worries, I am not big on the roller coaster or parachuting types of feats. Stay tuned!


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